Thursday, January 22, 2015

Reflections on Style Academy

            It’s amazing, as one begins to write, how realization comes to them that what they are writing, or have already written, is not exactly how they wanted it. So, they erase away and try to imagine a better way to scrawl down their thoughts in order to produce the masterpiece that they truly want to author. I often find that reviewing the many arts of writing which have been drawn by others can greatly improve my own writing and ability to transmit that perfect message.
            Unfortunately, the perfect way to share a message is hard to find and often involves a lot of work. By studying writing techniques, much like the ones that style academy offers, we can receive valuable input that will allow us to draw ever closer to that perfect way to transmit our message. Style academy also provides great exercises that will increase the spectrum of writing techniques that their students will have. Anyone who is interested in writing for any reason can see the worth of developing new and better techniques for their writing career.

            Style academy is set up in a way that even younger students have the opportunity to explore its wonderful world of writing and rhetoric. Its teachings are organized primarily into three categories where each one focuses on techniques for different levels of writing. These categories are: Cover the Basics, Craft with Purpose, and Be a Rhetorical Ninja. Cover the Basics section focuses on exactly what its name implies, that is the basics of writing. Craft with Purpose is focused on helping develop a writer’s ability to see the many options they have in crafting a written piece of work. Be a Rhetorical Ninja focuses on even more options for writing and using techniques that only the most seasoned of writers are familiar with. If one were to go through each category, and practice the exercises involved in each, he or she will find themselves ready to write a paper like a rhetorical ninja.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Opinion Editorial Thesis :)

Opinion Editorial Thesis

            There are billions of people on the Earth today and each one of them leads a different life than the other, each unique. Though circumstances set the stage for which direction one’s life will tread, it is often such a person’s opinions that lead him or her to create their own path to life’s end. Many of these opinions are strongly enforced by those that hold them close, often argued for very passionately. I would like to present one such opinion. One of my own, that I believe very strongly about and would like to share with others.
            The opinion I will be presenting is focused on the lack of healthy living displayed by many people in our current society. In the United States of America there is a growing problem of unhealthy living. Unhealthy living marked by eating food which only fattens, sitting down at work and home all day, using various electronic forms of entertainment instead of getting out, and avoiding exercise as if it was something bad. The piece I am to write will likely be based off of reason and likely have a little humor in it. Though, the piece will focus more on trying to appeal to the side of people that convinces them to act, their conscience. I will try to use some basic humor in order to keep the readers’ attention while my message transmits to their deeper selves.

            I believe very strongly that people need to take care of their bodies, teach others to do so, not be afraid to tell others that they need to do better, and be an example to others by following a healthy lifestyle themselves. If this were to be a societal rule, and was embedded in our culture, I believe the effects would last many years into the future. I also believe it possible if we all put in a little bit of a contribution, which is what I hope to do with the paper that I am going to write on this topic.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Proposal for my opinion paper

Opinion Paper Proposal

            There are billions of people on the Earth today and each one of them leads a different life than the other, each unique. Though circumstances set the stage for which direction one’s life will tread, it is often such a person’s opinions that lead him or her to create their own path to life’s end. Many of these opinions are strongly enforced by those that hold them close, often argued for very passionately. I would like to present one such opinion. One of my own, that I believe very strongly about and would like to share with others.
            The opinion I will be presenting is focused on the lack of healthy living displayed by many people in our current society. The piece I will write will likely be based off of reason and will likely not have much humor in it. The piece will focus more on trying to appeal to the side of people that convinces them to act, their conscience. I will try to use some basic humor in order to keep the readers’ attention while my message transmits to their deeper selves.

            I believe very strongly that people need to take care of their bodies, teach others to do so, not be afraid to tell others that they need to do better, and be an example to others by following a healthy lifestyle themselves. If this were to be a societal rule, and was embedded in our culture, I believe the effects would last many years into the future. I believe it possible if we all put in a little bit of a contribution, which is what I hope to do with the paper that I am going to write on this topic.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


I'm excited to get to know everyone in the class this semester and learn how to write better and more effectively. I hope I can contribute to the class and help others when in need. Thanks and see you in class!